List My Event

Please submit the requested information to be considered for the Real Woodstock events listing. Please note that our event calendar is focused on events that support tourism to Woodstock and is not a Community Calendar. Not all submitted events will be approved and placed on the event calendar.

  • Events must be outside of the normal scope of business offerings.
  • Real Woodstock has the right to deny and edit submissions without notice for any reason.
  • Not all submissions are approved, and some may require edits.
  • All Featured Images must be free of graphics or text. 
  • Submissions are not guaranteed to be posted if received less than two weeks from the start date.
List My Event Request
Insert full link including http(s)://

Date & Time

All-day Event?
Hide Event Start Time?
Hide Event End Time?
It appears next to the event time on the Event Detail Page. You can enter notes such as the timezone name in this field.

Repeat this Event

Does this event repeat?
Week Days


Add certain days to event occurrences. If you have a single day event, start and end dates should be the same, If you have a multiple day event, the start and end dates must match the initial date.
End Repeat
On Date
After # of repeats
The event will finish after certain # of repeats. For example if you set it to 10, the event will finish after 10 repeats.
Show only one occurrence of this event

Event Main Location

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